Poesía y Otras Artes / Poetry and Other Arts
Non –Profit Cultural Organization
Invitada Especial viene desde Michigan
Gloria María Strassburger
Autora del libro " Palm Trees in the Snow"
(Palmas en la Nieve)
Palm Trees in the Snow is a memoir centered on how the 1959 Cuban Revolution affected the author and her family and their subsequent exile to the United States. Gloria relates her unescorted escape from Cuba as a young girl through Operation Pedro Pan, one of the largest exoduses of children in history. This book is the author's tribute to a way of life lost forever and the embracing of a new one in America./Impacto de la Revolución Cubana y destierro de una niña que llega a E.E.U.U. através de Operación Pedro Pan.
November 8, 2013/Segundo viernes 7:30 PM
F.I.U. Florida International University
107 Ave. y 16 St. SW, Primera Casa Charles Perry Bldg., Salón 447/ Parking Nº 3
Información/Information: rinconmar@aol.com
(305) 554-0847 Oficina (305)322-6274 Celular
Entrada libre
Marily A. Reyes (MAR) (Litt. Dr.)
Executive Director/PresidentThe Cove/Rincón International
Executive Director/PresidentThe Cove/Rincón International